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“Natural" Childbirth, can you help me build confidence?Yes, Yes!! We’ll cover the emotional and mental steps for a strong mindset. Dive into the reason why you can trust your self, body and baby. Building your confidence in your capabilities.
Are the classes virtual or in person?You can choose between video self-paced education and live weekly group coaching master classes. You deserve to have the best education to create and support your best journey to welcoming your baby and your new life together.
Natural Home, Birth Center or Hospital Birth - Can you help?Yes! No matter where you are choosing to give birth, you are the person that owns your experience during pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and beyond. Knowing what you can do to take action toward a healthy, progressive, positive and confident journey gives you the power to create it no matter where it occurs.
I have a midwife, how will these classes help?This program is the best compliment to all midwifery based practices and will benefit you to enjoy an organized, clear and comprehensive education, simply explained for informed decisions.
When to start the programs?Natural Childbirth 101 will support you from 6 weeks pregnant to 6 weeks postpartum and everything in-between. The more you learn the better your experience will be.
How long do I have access?Our classes and our Bundle of Joy Complete Premium Program are a full year of access. This includes all 4 video courses of Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding and Postpartum, including the bonus classes on Partners Journey and Medical Interventions. 🤗
Will the classes support my individual desires for birth?Yes!- Each video will give you the why, what, when and how, so you can make informed choices. The program is designed with your success in mind. Helping you to achieve what your ultimate goals are is top priority.
Epidural- Will the classes cover this too?Yes- having a healthy positive pregnancy sets the seeds for the birth you desire. Educating yourself on what to expect in birth, how to work with it and what reduces complications will give you the best possible experience. Included is an optional bonus video on Medical Interventions which includes the benefits and risk of epidurals so you have the facts to make your own decisions. What people would love most is to feel capable and confident in the choices they make.
What additional support you offer?Private Natural Childbirth 101 Community Facebook page. Weekly Instagram lives with feature topics and Q&A with Kaleem Joy, your instructor. Our email is available for any technical and program questions as well.
Free birth or family birth- will this prepare me?Yes!!- Having a free birth or family birth means you are especially eager to educate yourself and claim full ownership for your journey. This program will give you a clear, concise and comprehensive yet simply explained approach to trusting your journey. Knowing the steps to prevent complications, have a positive mindset, understand what to expect to alleviate fears and doubt is key.
Pregnancy classes- do you cover this also?Yes!- pregnancy is a key to health for you and baby. It is the foundation for your birth to be free of complications, interventions and surgery. Nutrition, supplements, stretching, meditation, affirmations, downloadable e-booket and worksheets can help you along the way.
Breastfeeding challenges- I'm here to helpYes- Having a baby is about the whole picture all the way to settling in to life after birth. In the breastfeeding videos is birth Natural Breastfeeding and Challenges with solutions.
How long is the program?The Bundle of Joy Complete Premium Program or individual classes are self-paced, can be done in a weekend or as the pregnancy progresses using our Success Map to guide you throughout your learning.. Simplicity and repetition with action, will help you move from listening to embracing what you learn into your experience. You can return at anytime to refresh your understanding. The 12 week Live Virtual Master Program will support you with positive daily ways of transforming your beliefs and mindset about birth to calm confidence. Integrating pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, early parenting, and life on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual journey. ( Coming Soon)
Are partners encouraged to attend?Absolutely YES! There are two parents and both are on their own journey to welcoming your baby. Educating both of you will support a harmonious journey and your best experience. There is a special video and group coaching that focuses on the partners and other people that may attend your birth. This includes breastfeeding and postpartum support, too.
Can I use my HSA/FSA to pay for the program?Once you have enrolled and receive your email receipt, enter your class and download the template for reimbursement. fill it out and send along with a copy of your receipt, to your insurance plan. Some plans will cover education for pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding plus early parenting. There is no guarantee of reimbursement as plans vary, yet it's worth the effort to submit the form.
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